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Utilizing Amazon’s Attribution Program to Build Your Brand

Amazon Attribution is a powerful tool that brands and advertisers can use to drive and optimize their off-channel advertising efforts.

What is Amazon Attribution?

Amazon’s Attribution program is a platform that enables brands to attribute the sales and revenue generated from their off-Amazon advertising campaigns. It helps advertisers understand the effectiveness of their campaigns, identify which channels and audiences are driving the most sales, and optimize their advertising efforts to maximize their return on investment.  Currently, Amazon is offering a ~10% rebate to participating sellers.


To participate in the Attribution program, advertisers must have an Amazon Advertising account, have a registered brand, and enroll in the attribution program. Once enrolled, advertisers can access a range of tools and reports through the Attribution dashboard, including:


  • Sales and revenue data: Attribution provides detailed sales and revenue data for each advertiser’s campaigns, broken down by product, audience, and other dimensions.


  • Attribution models: The attribution dashboard allows advertisers to create unique tags for different channels and advertising efforts. 


  • Optimization recommendations: By analyzing ad efforts by tag, brands can determine which channels, audiences, and ad creatives perform best. 


  • Customized reporting: Attribution allows advertisers to create custom reports and export data for further analysis. Brands can access all the conversion metrics they may need: CTR, Impressions, Detail Page Views, Number of purchases attributed to each channel, Add to Carts, and Total Sales

Why Should You Send External Traffic to Your amazon Listings?

With CPCs on the rise and marketplaces and brands battling for consumer spending, Amazon has decided to reward brands that send external traffic to their product listings. Adding attribution to your holistic marketing strategy can give you a leg up on other brands that are lagging to take advantage of this program.


Sending qualified traffic to your listing from certain channels also protects you from competitor targeting, which is the case with sending traffic from google ads or directly to your storefront from any channel. Other benefits include:


  • Boosting your Seller Rank: Ideally more traffic = more conversions. Amazon’s A9 algorithm is built to reward products with high (and increasing) sales velocity. Check out this example from Paul Harvey, an advertiser who sent traffic from TikTok to his listings.
amazon attribution
  • Lower CPCs: You may have noticed in the graph above that the advertiser was only spending an average of $0.04 per click with a CTR of 12.76% on one of their campaigns. Utilizing a mix of social channels, email, and affiliate advertising can help brands bring their cost of sale down.
  • Improved Keyword Ranking: We all know that more sales = better rankings. Sending diversified traffic from qualified sources can boost your product listings over your competition.
  • Earn a 10% referral bonus on average: In 2021, Amazon announced they would rebate sellers an average of 10% of attributed sales.  This percentage changes by category and is typically paid back to the seller two months after the sale is made. This bonus will be used to reduce referral fees on future sales until the credit is exhausted.

Want to learn more about building and executing a holistic marketing strategy?

aiCommerce is a global digital marketing agency with a focus on retail and eCommerce marketplaces.  Started by three digital marketing experts, aiCommerce is primed with decades of digital marketing experience and backed by our 90-day grow and know guarantee, we can help your brand grow across eCommerce channels to gain brand awareness and increase sales!  Now is the perfect time to utilize our eCommerce experts to help grow your business. Click the button below to qualify for a free listing audit from aiCommerce to jumpstart your eCommerce growth!

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